Credit Check Financing by Synchrony Financial will run a credit check which may impact your credit score. There is no down payment required and no minimum purchase required. If approved, an account very similar to a credit card will be created. A revolving line of credit will be established. Depending on your purchase amount, you may be offered 6 months up to 3 years no interest. Minimum or equal payments will be required depending on the length of the financing plan. Failure to pay off the account by the end of the term will result in interest charges being added back. If paid off with timely payments then no interest will be charged. This option is subject to credit approval and other restrictions may apply. You must be 18 years or older to apply.
No Credit Needed Financing by Snap, Acima require an active traditional checking account that has been open for at least 90 Days. Applicants must be 18 years or older and have a job making a minimum of $1000 month. Snap and Acima require a $40 initial payment . ( but it costs nothing to apply) Snap offers a 100 days payment option. Acima offers a 90 Days Payment option. These programs are lease to own programs. Payment terms will be determined by your pay period frequency. Note that other restrictions may apply.
If you prefer to use your Pay Pal account or already have access to Pay Pal Credit we can accommodate you.